Documenten en publicaties
Beoordeling van risico's voor mens en milieu van nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de moderne biotechnologie : Beleidssignalering 09-07-2018 Beoordeling van risico's voor mens en milieu van nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de moderne biotechnologie : BeleidssignaleringPDF | 949.63 kB
Technical evaluation of a potential release of OX513A Aedes aegypti mosquitos on the island of Saba 01-11-2017 Technical evaluation of a potential release of OX513A Aedes aegypti mosquitos on the island of SabaPDF | 1.5 MB
Virussen (bacteriofagen): een goed alternatief voor antibiotica? 02-11-2017 Virussen (bacteriofagen): een goed alternatief voor antibiotica?PDF | 420.57 kB
Tackling antimicrobial resistance: the role of synthetic biology 03-11-2017 Tackling antimicrobial resistance: the role of synthetic biologyPDF | 4.82 MB
Future introductions of genetically modified microbial biocontrol agents in the EU 01-11-2017 Future introductions of genetically modified microbial biocontrol agents in the EUPDF | 1.12 MB
Taking stock of the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants and gene therapy 01-11-2017 Taking stock of the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants and gene therapyPDF | 1.92 MB
New developments in green biotechnology - An inventory for RIVM 01-11-2017 New developments in green biotechnology - An inventory for RIVMPDF | 543.06 kB
Emerging Gene Expression and Gene Expression Regulation Technologies in Medical Biotechnology 01-11-2017 Emerging Gene Expression and Gene Expression Regulation Technologies in Medical BiotechnologyPDF | 2.14 MB
Analysis of new developments in white (industrial) biotechnology 01-11-2017 Analysis of new developments in white (industrial) biotechnologyPDF | 482.66 kB
Developments in novel medical products with modern biotechnology and specifically synthetic biology - A quick scan 01-11-2017 Developments in novel medical products with modern biotechnology and specifically synthetic biology - A quick scanPDF | 329.47 kB
Verslag bijeenkomst 'Veilig verder met synthetische biologie' 2016 01-11-2017 Verslag bijeenkomst 'Veilig verder met synthetische biologie' 2016PDF | 1.27 MB
Verslag bijeenkomst 'Rol van synthetische biologie in duurzame bio-economie' 2015 01-11-2017 Verslag bijeenkomst 'Rol van synthetische biologie in duurzame bio-economie' 2015PDF | 445.34 kB
Inventory on the potential import of non-authorized genetically modified ornamentals in the Netherlands 01-11-2017 Inventory on the potential import of non-authorized genetically modified ornamentals in the NetherlandsPDF | 1.08 MB
Verslag bijeenkomst 'Verantwoord omgaan met synthetische biologie' 2014 02-11-2017 Verslag bijeenkomst 'Verantwoord omgaan met synthetische biologie' 2014PDF | 371.82 kB
Potential introduction of unapproved GM animals and GM products in the Netherlands 01-11-2017 Potential introduction of unapproved GM animals and GM products in the NetherlandsPDF | 680.24 kB